Enum member isRandomAccessRange

Determines whether R is a random-access range.

enum isRandomAccessRange(R) = isInputRange!R && (hasLength!R || isInfinite!R) && (U() == Primitive!(R, "front()")());

A random-access range is a range that allows random access to its elements by index using []-operator (defined with opIndex()). Further a random access range should have a length or be infinite.


R The type to be tested.


true if R is a random-access range, false otherwise.

See Also

isInfinite, hasLength.


This definition differs from std.range.primitives.isRandomAccessRange in the D standard library in that it does not also require R to be a forward range and a bidirectional range. Those properties may be tested separately with isForwardRange and isBidirectionalRange.


static struct A
    void popFront() @nogc nothrow pure @safe

    @property int front() @nogc nothrow pure @safe
        return 0;

    bool empty() const @nogc nothrow pure @safe
        return true;

    int opIndex(size_t) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
        return 0;

    size_t length() const @nogc nothrow pure @safe
        return 0;
static assert(isRandomAccessRange!A);
static assert(isRandomAccessRange!(int[]));
static assert(!isRandomAccessRange!(void[]));

static struct B
    void popFront() @nogc nothrow pure @safe

    @property int front() @nogc nothrow pure @safe
        return 0;

    enum bool empty = false;

    int opIndex(const size_t pos) @nogc nothrow pure @safe
        return 0;
static assert(isRandomAccessRange!B);