SList.this - multiple declarations

Function SList.this

Creates a new SList with the elements from a static array.

this(size_t R) (
  T[R] init,
  shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator


R Static array size.
init Values to initialize the list with.
allocator Allocator.


auto l = SList!int([5, 8, 15]);
assert(l.front == 5);

Function SList.this

Creates a new SList with the elements from an input range.

this(R) (
  scope R init,
  shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator
if (!isInfinite!R && isInputRange!R && isImplicitlyConvertible!(ElementType!R, T));


R Type of the initial range.
init Values to initialize the list with.
allocator Allocator.

Function SList.this

Creates a new SList.

this (
  size_t len,
  auto ref T init,
  shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator

this (
  size_t len,
  shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator

this (
  shared Allocator allocator


len Initial length of the list.
init Initial value to fill the list with.
allocator Allocator.


auto l = SList!int(2, 3);
assert(l.front == 3);


auto l = SList!int(2);
assert(l.front == 0);

Function SList.this

Initializes this list from another one.

this(R) (
  ref R init,
  shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator
if (is(Unqual!R == SList));

this(R) (
  R init,
  shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator
) @trusted
if (is(R == SList));

If init is passed by value, it won't be copied, but moved. If the allocator of ($D_PARAM init) matches allocator, this will just take the ownership over init's storage, otherwise, the storage will be allocated with allocator and all elements will be moved; init will be destroyed at the end.

If init is passed by reference, it will be copied.


R Source list type.
init Source list.
allocator Allocator.


auto l1 = SList!int([5, 1, 234]);
auto l2 = SList!int(l1);
assert(l1 == l2);